The Costume Collective is pleased to offer a summer internship for 10 weeks, with a stipend of $250/week. The Collective designs personalized internships around individuals’ interests and the availability of mentors. Past interns have helped pull shows, given customer service, focused on a specific craft aspect, learned alteration and repair techniques.

If interested, please supply us with a letter of interest that includes the following by APRIL 1st.

  • what you want out of the internship and what experience you bring to the Collective. All areas of creativity may be relevant, and your interest with us might lie in any number of areas; don’t feel like you have to have it all figured out.

  • any special skills and/or needs you may have.

  • your dates of availability

  • at least one (up to 3) reference –this can be an employer, a teacher, or a mentor: someone who can tell us about how you work. 

Email letter of interest to: